Blind Date | 27 June 2020
At 7.10pm the "blind date" secret was revealed, who the 3 red bars on the poster stand for: from 3 directions Pascal Schumacher [vib], Luciano Biondini [acc] and Jens Düppe [dr] entered the stage, which was still veiled until then. With great logistical effort the 3 musicians had been "separated" during the day: upon arrival, accommodation in the hotel, soundcheck etc., (only) now they - and the audience - found out with whom they should perform and improvise together in this "blind date". This is the basic idea of the "blind date" concerts, which have been performed succesfully in Cologne over the past years and which now found their premiere in Ratingen.
Pascal was the fastest and started the concert with first “drops” on the vibraphone, which condensed into a complex after only a few seconds by the hissing of Jens´ brushes and Luciano´s accordion tones ... and what happened then can't be described, you must have heard it, which - due to the Corona requirements - unfortunately was only possible for the 60 guests who were lucky enough to win the seats. The 3 musicians improvised and complemented each other in an almost symbiotic way during their first joint performance, sound-wise, rhythmically, in the field of tension of the chords, in the expression of their instruments and in the sound space of the Friedenskirche, which developed its acoustic qualities even with this rather untypical instrumental composition. For a blind date concert, it was almost ingenious that each of the three was given die opportunity by the other two players to contribute his musical language without losing the big picture.
Merci. Pascal, mille gracie Luciano und vielen Dank Jens, for a „blind date“, which will remain as a highlight in our minds.
Thanks to the muscians that we can present a video of this concert, due to copyright law (Urheberrecht) exclusively for private use and without making any downloads or copies.
A Swiss radio report of this eastPLUGGED BLIND DATE may be found under "AUDIO".